2011年6月17日 星期五

6, May 2011. Home visit a nepales Limbu 's Family in Sham Shui Po 深水埗尼泊爾家訪

人係香港生活真實嘅一面。 Limbu家共有4個人。媽媽今晚要返工,所以無同我哋
Limbu 一家人都好友善。好容易溝通,佢哋屋企其實同一般香港人
Before our workshop for south east asian people. We visited a nepales family. They live in an old building in Sham Shui Po. On sixth floor with no lift. I was surprised that their home is just like many Hong Kong People's home. And they enjoy to live in Hong Kong very much. 

佐敦南亞深度文化遊 - 2011年5月21日






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Photos by Yan Fung

譜南音 。 唱我心

譜南音 。 唱我心
Cantonese Naamyam

UrbanSoul 同香港視障視全人士協會 會喺6月25號舉辦 <<譜南音 。 唱我心>>地水南音演唱會。由地水南音小

歌女唐小燕唱出十多首新舊南音曲目。有<<客途秋恨>>, << 紅竹淚 >> ...保証聽出耳油。除咗唱歌外,小燕

仲會分享南音心得及背景。仲會分享視障 對佢帶嚟咩嘅影響,同佢喺視障嘅生活下點樣繼續追尋自己嘅理想。

Cantonese Naamyam, a unique local narrative singing tradition in Cantonese dialect ; In June 25th, 2011, a local group UrbanSoul will collaborate with “Care The Visually Impaired Association” to hold a mini Naamyam concert <<譜南音 。 唱我心>>. A famous Naamyam singer – Ms. Tong Siu Yin is the lead performer of that night, she willsing a series of famous & classical Naamyam with her sensual voice, of course, the best known song Ketu Qiuhen (Wayfarer's Autumn Lament) is at the top of the list. After show, Ms Tong will have a sharing session to talk about how visual impairment affecting her and her social life and how does she keep pursuing her life goal despite all those difficult challenges.This event is truly an unmissable opportunity for you to get to know more about Naamyam and its stories behind; don’t hesitate; act now! 

六月二十五日 晚上 七時半至九時 @ sense99
25/6/2011  7:30 pm - 9 :00pm @ sense 99

address :  中環威靈頓街 99 f
2/F 99F Wellington St., Central,Hong Kong

Tel : 64755355 Mr. HimLo  n Miss Yanny 91853433

每位 $ 180 ( 包一杯飲品 )
$ 180 (including one drink )
